The 2020 Election Will Come Down to Five States


Last year we raised $315,000 with the twin goals of building local power in battleground states and taking back the House. There is ample evidence that we were smart investors.

This year, we face a bigger challenge. While everyone is glued to the primaries, we are focused on preparing the ground in the 5 states we must win to take back the presidency. Plus we need to retake the Senate. And we have to hold onto the House! 2019 IS NOT AN OFF YEAR – IT IS THE YEAR for building capacity in young and minority communities that will make the difference in 2020.

We have rounded out our portfolio to include 2 groups in each of the vital battleground states–Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

One of the new groups is Pennsylvania Stands Up (Lift the Midwest Fund),

Trump won Pennsylvania by 44,000 votes. The GOP is making a huge effort to expand their base and win again in 2020. PA Stands Up is up for the challenge. In 2018 (then named Lancaster Stands Up) the group helped engineer a heroic congressional campaign in a R+14 district (PA-11) that showed it was possible to change the political terrain of the state. They knocked on 250,000 doors and held 70 town halls to engage people who had been politically abandoned. In 2018 they spread their reach to 15 rural counties and now they are working in coalition to scale their work to reach dozens of rural communities in non-metro PA.

Other new Airlift groups include:

Black Voters Matter (Voter Motor Fund)

LUCHA (West by Southwest Fund)

One Pennsylvania (Lift the Midwest Fund)

Good Jobs Now Action (GJN) (Lift the Midwest Fund)

WI Working Families (Lift the Midwest Fund)

Read more about the newest Airlift groups.

(pictured: Pennsylvania Stands UP)

We don’t need to tell you: Our groups are like little birds. They don’t eat a lot but they are always hungry.

Feed the Grassroots! Donate here.
