The DROP - February 2022

February 2022


Frances Moore Lappe gives top billing to Airlift on her Small Planet website!


We’re going to win this election on the ground, bottom up, door to door.

– Dan Pfeiffer, Pod Save America co-host, speaking at Airlift’s recent “Live from the Frontlines”

For over 20 years Republicans, with the aid of allies such as the Heritage Foundation and the Koch brothers, have been assiduously building political grassroots power from school board races on up. The Democratic Party and most of its donors, however, have focused primarily on the top of the ticket, often investing millions in un-winnable races.  

Now, they are reaping the whirlwind of having neglected important down-ballot races as they helplessly watch Republicans use their state-based power to emasculate voting rights. The Democratic Senate majority proved too small to prevent a couple of errant senators from derailing both voting rights bills last month. 

As a result, the right to vote and to have that vote count now rests solely in the hands of elected officials in the states. This means we need to protect and flip Secretary of State offices and fight like hell to win Governors’ mansions, while recognizing the critical importance of down-ballot offices such as boards of election. 

Secretaries of State (SoS) are responsible for administering elections in 41 states.  In case you doubt their significance, think back to the 2000 election and the role played by Florida’s SoS Katherine Harris in George W. Bush’s election. Consider, too, the role played by Democratic SoS Jocelyn Benson in Michigan during Covid: She sent absentee ballots to all registered voters in a state Biden narrowly won in 2020. 

In 2022, according to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State, Democratic incumbents are facing threats of violence while Republicans seeking to replace them are often rabid extremists. More than 20 of them don’t believe Biden was elected in 2020. Take Nevada, where Jim Marchant, a Trump acolyte, is on the ballot for SoS. Or consider Georgia,where the incumbent Brad Raffensperger (R) faces primary challengers from extremists on his right. In Arizona, Republicans seeking to replace the current Democratic SoS include Mark Finchem, a dangerous QAnon aficionado. Just this week The New York Times spelled out in chilling detail what we’re up against.

There are also toss-up gubernatorial battles in six battleground states in 2022: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Wisconsin. Again, if you doubt the importance of governors, consider what might have happened in 2020 without Democratic governors like Tony Evers in Wisconsin and Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan to defend the legitimacy of Biden’s victory from attacks by Republicans in state and local office. Additionally, with the U.S. Supreme Court poised to gut or even overturn Roe v. Wade, Democratic governors in Republican-dominated states are key guardians of reproductive rights.

With federal voting rights legislation stymied and Roe on its deathbed, it is to be hoped that more big political donors who traditionally invest in federal races and candidates will turn some of their attention to the importance of state races. Grassroots organizing from the bottom up has always been the strategy of Airlift and its partners. Now it needs to become everybody’s new Plan A to save democracy. Yes, we need to win those big-name races as well so we are not at the mercy of Manchin and Sinema, let alone Mitch McConnell. But just focusing on the top won’t do it. The urgency of the moment has spurred Airlift to set an ambitious fundraising goal of one million dollars for 2022. We’re committed, and we need you to succeed. Investing more down ballot helps propel top-of-ticket candidates to victory too. Smart money leads to lasting change up and down the ballot. 



"2022 House Majority Runs Through Orange County"

Tuesday, February 15, 6 pm PT / 9 pm ET

With so many other battleground states in need, why the focus on California? Because retaining the House will require flipping new seats in Southern California and the Central Valley districts, including 4 newly reshaped districts in Orange County. 

Representative Katie Porter is joined by Jonathan Paik, director of the grassroots Airlift partner group: Orange County Community Engagement Table.



Are you tired of hanging out with people where everyone feels powerless and demoralized about politics? Now you can do something about it! Help Airlift reach our $1 million dollar goal by hosting an online or in-person Airlift@Home gathering. You don’t even have to leave your own home, and it’s easy and fun. Spread the word about the crucial work of the amazing grassroots organizations we fund and help us generate support. 

You supply the enthusiasm and guest list, knowing you can count on Alison Whittaker and Lizzy Hersey, Airlift@Home’s coordinators, in organizing your event. “Alison and Lizzy were there every step of the way, offering to do any task imaginable from setting up the day of, cleaning up, and reminding me (and offering) to send the thank-you’s afterwards,” says Airlift@Home host Peg Shalen. 

A lot of the news is filled with fear. An Airlift@Home party is filled with hope. During the event, an Airlift team member will let your guests know why the smart money is on the highly vetted grassroots organizations we select because of their success turning non-voters into voters. Guests will hear about the extraordinary work of our partner groups: the activists who engage person-to-person in their own communities, listening to what issues matter most, and empowering people to make a difference through their voices and their votes. You’ll be heartened to hear about people in places like Texas, Georgia, Arizona, and other battleground arenas who are creating a more just, equitable, and caring America. You can join these heroes. 

Personally inviting those you know provides a concrete way to translate hope into action. As Lizzy says, “Your friends will be happy to hear from you!” Alison adds, “Then when the guests show up it’s fun!” 

“Co-hosting an Airlift party in the summer was a simply done and meaningful gesture that lifted my spirits and renewed my faith in the power of strategic struggle!” says Heather Baker-Sullivan. 

Of course, with the pandemic still in our lives, many of the gatherings have gone virtual. Although that means less personal contact, it also means inviting your friends from all over. “A Zoom meeting opens up the whole country,” notes Alison.  

So if you and your friends are tired of reading the news and thinking there’s nothing you can do about it, think again. Think Airlift@Home. You’ll be glad you did.

Find out more about hosting an Airlift@Home party by contacting Lizzy or Alison.


“We don’t have the Koch brothers, but we have us.”- Dan Pfeiffer

As Dan reminds us, the threat that got everyone engaged a few years ago is still here, and it’s growing. With so much at stake, this is the time to double down, not disengage. We need the grassroots groups Airlift funds to turn out another winning coalition in 2022, and they need us. That’s why Airlift has set an ambitious goal of raising one million dollars. Here’s how you can help: 

Donate by Check. Set up automatic payments for Airlift with the Bill Pay service at your bank or send a check directly to Airlift, PO Box 617, Corte Madera, CA 94976. 

Donate Online at ActBlue:

Host an Airlift@Home Party! For more information, contact Lizzy Hersey at or Alison Whittaker at

Spread the word! Tell your friends and family about Airlift and our “Live from the Frontlines” series. Share this newsletter and the link to our website.



Field Notes

Leaders Igniting Transformation scores a big win for local school mental health budgeting! Read more...

Winning on the ground, bottom up, door-to-door in rural North Carolina: Read more...

Eliza Booth, director of Pennsylvania Stands Up, reveals “How I Got Involved,” in this brief video clip. Spoiler alert: it has something to do with her son standing next to her.

“Elections are mobilized for the moment, Communities for a New California is mobilized for the movement.” Listen to Pablo Rodriguez.