The DROP - May 2022

May 2022

BREAKING NEWS: Dan Pfeiffer called it in his newsletter headline May 3: The Fight for Abortion Rights Moves Down-Ballot, and that's where our Airlift partner groups are focused most in 2022. In an upcoming issue we will let you know what the groups are doing to ameliorate the assault on women's rights and their access to abortion.



So, here’s the deal: When everyone is feeling down in the dumps, somebody’s got to be the adult in the room and declare an end to the pity party. We have elections to win in November!

Robert Hubbell, Today’s Edition, 4/19/22

Robert Hubbell’s commentary is just the kind of pep talk many of us need right now! 

The relentless screaming headlines that harp on Biden’s poll numbers are getting us down. So now is a good time to remind ourselves that headlines are designed to generate clicks, not to inspire us to action. Furthermore, headline writers don’t determine election outcomes; voters do.  

When Republicans lost in 2020 they doubled down on undermining democracy and civil rights. Now is our turn to double-down on defending our values. 

We may not win it all, but we can fight hard everywhere, especially to build and protect state and local power. Dan Pfeiffer offers this antidote to those doom-laden headlines: 

  1. The Senate is far from lost. We just have to compete in states that Biden won. The fact that the GOP is on the cusp of nominating some very problematic candidates makes this easier.

  2. The outcome of the governors and secretaries of state races in PA,WI,MI,GA, and NV will determine whether the GOP can overturn the election. Here’s where we need to fight hardest–investing in grassroots is really crucial.

  3. Even if you accept that we may not hold the House (and this is by no means a given), how much we lose by matters a lot. If we lose 10 seats, we can get it back in 2 years; if we lose 40 seats, it could take a decade.

If we are looking for further sources of courage and determination, we could do no better than to look to the leaders of our Airlift partners. Many of them are no strangers to adversity in their own lives.  And yet they persist, as we must too for all our sakes.   

Now read on for all the opportunities Airlift offers for you to FEEL better by DOING something. 




featuring Nse Ufot, CEO of the New Georgia Project

May 26, Thursday, 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET

Who can forget the impact and importance of the elections in Georgia in 2020 and 2021? The victories of President Biden and Senators Warnock and Ossoff were not an overnight phenomenon for Georgia, but the product of 10 years of grassroots organizing by the New Georgia Project (NGP). Founded by Stacey Abrams, the 2022 candidate for governor, NGP now has a team of 300 organizers, activists, researchers, and canvassers. It has become a “statewide, multi-ethnic, cross-class intergenerational movement that‘s inspiring a new Georgia into existence.”



 no-obligation virtual event for anyone
considering being an Airlift@Home party host

 May 12, Thursday, 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET

Questions? Contact Airlift@Home coordinator Alison Whitaker.


We've said it before and we're saying it again:

The Time to Give is NOW!

Come the third quarter of the year Democratic donors will hit the panic button and late money will pour into the states. It happens every year. If we invest NOW, our partners will be in the best possible position to win more races in 2022. Make sure Airlift partner groups have what they need. Here’s how you can help:

Donate by Check. Set up automatic payments to Airlift with the Bill Pay service at your bank, or send a check directly to: Airlift, PO Box 617, Corte Madera, CA 94976

Donate Online at ActBlue. Just click the button:

For tax-deductible donating email

Spread the word! Tell your friends and family about Airlift and our “Live from the Frontlines” series. Share this newsletter and the link to our website.



Airlift partner groups are successful because they are a part of their communities; they listen to people’s concerns, and fight for the issues people care about. Then they make the connection between voting and social change, often using mutual aid as a powerful political organizing tool.


In some ways this is like old-style precinct politics when parties “fixed” things for individuals in exchange for their votes. But rather than providing that support cynically, our partners are expanding their community connections by providing mutual aid. 

We talked to Matt Hollerbach from Michigan Liberation about  their efforts to help citizens while engaging them politically. Last year, as part of their Juneteenth celebration, Michigan Liberation held an event to help people fix their brake lights. These kinds of minor car problems are likely to get someone pulled over by the police, and that has led to devastating economic and social consequences as well as too many shootings of unarmed drivers. 

Matt described one of these events: “We’re out there on the East side of Detroit, and we had a mixed group of people, you’ve got black folks and white folks and everything in between, and we are out there with our signs and our Michigan Liberation shirts on and at first people couldn’t understand what we were doing. But once they figured it out they got excited and  started calling their friends, and the friend’s like, "I got a cousin with a brake light out.’” 

The link between the service Michigan Liberation provides and the problem of police confrontations is not one that Detroit citizens need explained to them. Matt told us, “When your introduction to the community is one where you’re helping them address a problem that the system doesn’t address, when you’re showing up with an understanding of what’s holding people back, there’s trust built immediately.” 

While Michigan Liberation is providing this kind of neighborly service, it’s also a chance to talk politics and register voters. “I don’t even want to call them political conversations. These are community members talking about what’s wrong and what can be done to fix it.”

Michigan Liberation organizes many activities to benefit the community. They offer an annual Michigan Black Momma’s Bailout; funds are provided to help mothers who are stuck in jail for lack of bail get out in time for Mother’s Day. They also have been taking advantage of a new law in Michigan to hold Expungement Days during which they help formerly incarcerated people get their jail time taken off their record. Matt said, “The events are always great, there’s lots of smiles and laughter. It’s a moment for people that weight finally is lifted and it gives people permission to move forward. It is transformative.”



In Arizona LUCHA is one of those suing to block the GOP’s latest voter suppression bill: “We’ll see you in court!” Read More

LUCHA is also part of a coalition of organizations called Arizonans for Fair Elections that is collecting signatures for a ballot measure that would expand protections for Native voters and those with disabilities, defend voters’ rights to remain on early voting lists, and restrict lobbyists gifts and candidate giving amounts. Getting it on the ballot would also provide a powerful GOTV strategy for Senator Mark Kelly since it polls ahead of his numbers. Read more.


LIT helped elect Milwaukee’s first Black mayor. Now that their candidate is elected, they will be holding him accountable! Read more

Ben Wikler, Chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party, tells us just how LIT is changing democracy in the state. Watch this.


Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN) is working on issues that motivate more Nevadans to vote, and using more motivational events - like Democracy Dinners. Read more.

Here is why Nevada is SO important in 2022. Increasing diversity and the rise of unions has contributed to the state’s Democratic trifecta, but that is now under threat. PLAN is developing new leaders like Jovan Jackson, now running for North Las Vegas City Council, who will fight for progressive issues.