Conor Lamb PA Congressional Race Just Became a 3-Pointer!


The Pennsylvania special Congressional election on March 13th, with Conor Lamb, a former Marine and federal prosecutor, running against Republican Rick Saccone, just became a 3-pointer.

Lamb is trailing in the latest Monmouth Poll by only 3 points in a +11 Republican district. If you’re a Warriors fan, you know about the power of 3-pointers.

We are recommending that everyone in our network help out a tenacious grassroots group called One PennsylvaniaThey are getting out the vote for Conor Lamb by organizing young and minority voters. These people overwhelmingly vote our way — if we get them to the polls.

Matt Singer, Airlift’s top adviser, thinks that One Pennsylvania is poised to play a serious role as PA redraws its district maps for the big one in November.

We know from Virginia and Alabama that this stuff works. 
